Thursday, July 17, 2008


Something I just learned...did you know that both current Canadian and Mexican series of banknotes have raised symbols - known as tactile markings - for easy identification by the blind or visually impaired? European currency uses different sizes and colors. It's only US currency that is lame...No matter how organized a blind person in America may be by folding their bills and such, they still must initially depend on a seeing person to distinguish between the differing amounts of the bills. Get with the program, America!

I am looking forward to that commemorative Louis Braille coin however. And it will have braille on it. I think it will be out by the 200th anniversary of his birthday in January.

UPDATE: Stay tuned for our 3rd Annual Big Fat Medical Vacation...that is, we'll be heading to Los Angeles for the yearly eye doctor visit in August. Zelda needs to see her retinologist. California here we come...

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