Saturday, March 26, 2011

I have been away...

...physically, mentally and spiritually... life gets in the way. But so much is happening - especially in the lives and development of the Toxotwins. So, here it is, their recent photo taken during SXSW:

They are healthy but not without their interesting behavioral quirks. Their tenure at Ecole is nearing the end. Three years in a French immersion pre-school with Zelda splitting her time at a local elementary school for her various therapies: Braille, speech, OT, and O & M.
Creed is growing like a weed and imagineering stories beyond belief which usually include a girlfriend or two, parties in Mexico, building a house, his fireman friends and Clifford, the big red dog.

Today is my 53 birthday as we head out to the flea market fields of Warrenton/Round Top to see friends and pick through treasures.

more later...

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