Saturday, July 2, 2011

Oh là là...skipped on to Paris...

...first, let me say that we had a lovely time in Telluride, New Mexico and ended our southwestern trip staying with our friends who own Rocketbuster boots in El Paso, Texas. The twins then did 2 1/2 weeks at day camp: Ecole for Creed & Braille Camp for Zelda.
And, now we're in Paris.
Arrivé, hier.
Arrived yesterday morning, major traffic jams - embouteillages - so thank goodness my old friend Manu picked us up at the airport. Gillian (my assistant at Blackmail), Creed, Zelda and me...and 6 weeks worth of luggage. For this first week, we're staying with my very good friends: Elsa & Laurent. Elsa and I went to Esmod together in the '80's, showed our collections in the same shows and sold our designs in a gallery of "Jeunes Créateurs" for a few years. We've been friends ever since. They have a son, born the same time as the twins and a daughter who will soon turn 13.
I am lucky enough to have had Gillian accompany me on the flight - flying with twin 6 yr olds is exhausting and now we all divide and conquer with the kids. Yesterday at the park, then to a café with friends and a lovely late dinner.

I will try and update often on the twins and their reactions and experiences here: Paris is their oyster!
Otherwise, the chronicles of my teaching and design experience will be in:
And of course, "le grand projet", our book La Petite Zelda goes to Paris will be followed in

1 comment:

Angela Vassallo said...

Hi there, Gail.

This' Ang. I was just telling a friend on mine about your blog and realized that we haven't spoken in quite awhile!

Funny...I took my first trip to France with you and stayed with Elsa & Laurent (who had no children at that time) in 1992 or 3, I think. Say hello to them for me.
